Recycled Clothing

Recycled Clothing

For this project, I spent £10 on items from a charity shop; I brought a suit jacket and trousers and a double duvet cover. I then used these pieces to create a costume, inspired by 'Pirates of the Caribbean' and New Romantics. The idea behind the project was ethical and sustainable fashion, which is why I have spray painted 'No One Should Die for Fashion' across the skirt, as this was the slogan for the Rana Plaza protests. I hand embroidered around the word 'DIE' to emphasise this is one of the drastic effects of the fashion industry. I also left key features from the original clothing, like the pockets on the sleeves and the suit zip so that it related to that clothing too. Additional techniques i used on this was weaving, arm knitting and dissolvable fabric, as well as adding gathers, eyelets and drafting my own pattern. I think it work well and is a modern interpretation of New Romantics and 'Pirates of the Caribbean' and i like how i was able to bring colour into the design.